9 Important Things to Consider If Your Cat Is Allergic to Dogs

Cats and dogs are among the most popular pets in the world. Still, while many households enjoy the company of both species, some unfortunate situations can arise where a cat may be allergic to dogs.

Additionally, this is a frustrating and concerning issue for pet owners, as it can affect the quality of life for both the cat and the dog. Also, it becomes too hard for the pet owner to tackle the situation where they’re bound to love and care for their favorite fur babies.

No worries! We’ll discuss nine important things to consider if your cat is allergic to dogs to ease your condition.

9 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Your Cat Is Allergic to Dogs

Loving and keeping both your adorable cat and dog at the same time under the same roof can be quite challenging at times, especially if your cat is allergic to dogs.

You must remember that some dogs are more prone to shedding than others, possibly spreading allergens to other pets in the house, including your cat. Here, buying the best dog food for shedding may reduce the chance of your cat catching allergies.

Similarly, there are other things to consider to have a peaceful and healthy coexistence between the two animals in your house.

Let’s get on to the nine important things that you must consider if your cat is allergic to dogs:

1. Confirm the Diagnosis

It is essential to confirm that your cat is, in fact, allergic to dogs. This can be done through a skin or blood test conducted by a veterinarian. Once the allergy is confirmed, you can develop a treatment plan that will alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for your pet.

2. Diet

A cat’s diet can also play a role in managing allergies. So, you must maintain a proper diet to prevent allergens from getting into your cat’s system. Adding probiotic supplements to the diet, like this one, is also a great way to maintain their gut health.

Some foods can exacerbate symptoms, while others may help alleviate them. Working with your veterinarian to develop a diet plan tailored to your cat’s specific needs is essential.

3. Limit Exposure

If your cat is allergic to dogs, it is important to limit exposure to them. This may involve keeping your cat in a separate room or area of the house away from the dog, using baby gates or barriers to keep them separated, or even finding a new home for one of the pets.

4. Cleanliness

Regular cleaning is essential when dealing with pet allergies. This includes vacuuming carpets and furniture, frequently washing bedding and blankets, and using air purifiers to remove pet dander.

5. Grooming

Regular grooming can also help alleviate symptoms of pet allergies. This includes brushing and bathing your dog to remove excess hair and dander, as well as regularly cleaning your cat's fur to prevent allergens from building up.

6. Medication

Medication may sometimes be necessary to manage a cat’s allergies. This can include antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots. A veterinarian should only prescribe these and use them as directed.

7. Behavioral Modification

Behavioral modification may be necessary to help manage a cat’s allergies. This can include training your dog to stay away from the cat. You may provide distractions for your cat to prevent them from licking or scratching themselves.

You may further implement calming techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in your kitten.

8. Allergy Testing

Allergy testing may also be necessary to identify specific triggers causing your cat’s allergies. This can be done through blood or skin testing and can help you develop a more targeted treatment plan.

9. Consult a Specialist

In severe cases, consulting with a veterinary dermatologist or other specialist may be necessary to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

These professionals have advanced training and experience in managing pet allergies and can provide expert guidance and support.

7 Common Symptoms Your Cat May Show Being Allergic to Dogs

Bringing a new dog into your cat’s life can sometimes affect its health. Cats, like humans, can develop allergies to various substances, including other pets like dogs.

If you suspect that your cat may be allergic to dogs, it is important to look out for the following symptoms:

1. Sneezing: One of the most common symptoms of cat allergies is sneezing. If your cat sneezes frequently, especially after being around a dog, it may indicate an allergic reaction.

2. Runny Nose: A runny nose is another common symptom of cat allergies. Your cat may have clear or colored discharge from their nostrils.

3. Watery Eyes: If your cat’s eyes are watery, red, and irritated, it may indicate an allergic reaction.

4. Itching: Cats may itch or scratch themselves excessively if they are allergic to dogs. This can lead to skin irritation and even hair loss.

5. Hives: Hives are small, red, and itchy bumps that can appear on your cat’s skin. If your cat has hives after being around a dog, it may indicate an allergic reaction.

6. Swelling: If your cat’s face, paws, or other body parts swell after being around a dog, it may be a sign of a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate veterinary attention.

7. Coughing and Wheezing: Cats with allergies may also develop respiratory symptoms like coughing or wheezing.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, it is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the cause and severity of the allergy. Allergic reactions can be serious, so it is important to seek medical attention if you suspect that your cat is experiencing an allergic reaction. How Long Does Allergy in Cats Last? The duration of allergy symptoms in a cat can vary depending on the cause and severity of the allergy. If your cat is allergic to dogs, for example, the duration of their allergy symptoms will depend on how long they’re exposed to dogs and how severe their reaction is.

Often, cat allergies can last for a few hours or days and can be managed with antihistamines or other medications. However, if the allergic reaction is intense or ongoing, it may require more extensive treatment, such as allergy shots or dietary changes.

Typically, cat allergies are chronic conditions that cannot be cured but can be managed with appropriate treatment. If your cat is showing symptoms of an allergy, it is important to take them to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

The treatment for cat allergies can include medications such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, or immune modulators, as well as dietary changes or environmental modifications to reduce exposure to allergens.

Occasionally, allergy testing and immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be recommended to desensitize your cat to the allergen over time. The duration of your cat’s allergy symptoms will depend on several factors, including the severity of the allergy, the type of allergen involved, and the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

However, many cats with allergies can live happy, healthy lives with proper management and treatment.

How to Treat Your Kitten If It Has Caught Allergies Due to Dog?

To prevent various ailments in your cat’s system, you must learn how to discipline your cat, including its habit, diet, playfulness, etc.

However, if you suspect your cat has caught an allergy to being around your pooch, take them to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Once the allergy has been identified, the veterinarian may recommend several treatments to manage your cat’s symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Here are some common treatments for cat allergies:

1. Medications: Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and immune modulators commonly treat cat allergies. These medications can help to reduce inflammation, relieve itching, and manage other symptoms associated with the allergy.

2. Dietary Changes: Some vets might advise dietary changes to manage cat allergies. This can include a hypoallergenic diet or a diet low in potential allergens.

3. Environmental Modifications: Reducing exposure to allergens in your cat’s environment can also help to manage allergy symptoms.

This can include using air filters, washing bedding, and carpets regularly, and keeping your cat away from potential allergens.

4. Allergy Shots: Allergy shots, or immunotherapy, can desensitize your cat to the allergen over time. This treatment involves injecting small amounts of the allergen under the skin to build tolerance.

Following your veterinarian’s instructions closely when treating your cat’s allergy is important. This may include administering medications as prescribed, monitoring your cat for side effects, and making environmental changes as recommended.

In addition to these treatments, keeping your cat’s immune system healthy is important by providing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary care.

By managing your cat’s allergy symptoms and supporting their overall health, you can help to improve their quality of life and reduce the impact of their allergy.


Managing a cat’s allergies to dogs can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, with proper diagnosis, treatment, and management, it is possible to improve your cat’;s quality of life and ensure that both pets can coexist peacefully in your home.

By considering these ten important factors, you can take proactive steps to alleviate symptoms and ensure your cat’s and your dog’s health and happiness.

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Until our next cat convo



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Our cattery is USDA Licensed and a Preferred Breeder Registered with The International Cat Association (TICA). If you are looking for a Savannah Kitten, then you have come to the right place. A1 Savannahs has been breeding the finest Savannah Kittens since the beginning. A1 Savannahs, formerly New Horizon Bengals, was founded by Joyce Sroufe. Joyce started breeding Savannah Cats in the late 1980's and started to register her first litters in 1994. She is also well known among exotic cat owners and breeders as the original founder of the Savannah Cat Breed and an expert in the breeding and care of exotic cats. A1 Savannahs is now owned by Martin and Amanda Engster. Often imitated, we are the original founder of the Savannah Cat breed, and have many years combined of knowledge and experience.