5 Major Ways to Bond with Your Cat Better

It is not uncommon to have a cat as part of a family or an individual in these times. In fact, more often than not, families make pets (especially cats) part of their family in this century. According to a recent survey by Forbes, over 65% of American households own pets, and about 40% own cats. Surely, families are seeing the benefits of owning these wonderful pets, or else they would not be so much in American homes.

Cats are vital pets to families as they can offer a wide range of benefits, from emotional support to companionship. Many experts believe that a bond with your cat can increase your life and the pet’s lifespan. However, owners must be intentional about their actions towards their cats.

Looking to bond better with your pet? This article has been curated just for you. Read up to learn more ways to bond with your cat.

Ways to Bond Better With Your Cat

Here are some ways to strengthen the bond with your cat:

  • Schedule Some Cat Time

When it comes to the relationship with your pet cat, you should know that cats are just like humans (females especially. One wonders if it’s different with female cats).  Cats need attention, and not just attention, but quality attention. You need to make time to spend with your cat and ensure you spend it well. 

You should not be rubbing their ears or playing games on this website while you scroll on Instagram. Give them your utmost attention when you play with them, and do not forget to throw in some nibbles and treats when you can. Giving them massages and grooming them are also ways to spend quality time with them.

  • Go for Walks with Them 

Walking with your cat is also a good way to bond with them. Parks are a good location to do this, but if possible, map out a quiet route and use it. Your cat will surely love you more for this. A scenic walk along the river or beach is always a good choice, and country walks with minimal interruptions with squirrels in the trees are the best! Just ensure you always hold on to the leash, okay?

  • Be Patient with Your Cat

As with children, you must be patient with your cats. Patience is a required virtue in dealing with pets and cats. Whether it is helping your cat learn a new trait or helping them settle in new surroundings, patience is vital and necessary. Without this, they might never be at peace with you and around you.

Asking your cats to do much more than they can is sure to discourage them from bonding with you. For instance, they might be shy around visitors and would prefer to lie down in their beds while visitors come to see them. Do not rush the process, okay? 

  • Be Positive

Cats bring a lot of joy and happiness but can also cause you to tear your hair out. You could buy the new Nike Air sneakers and find them being eaten by your cat. What do you do then?

Nothing. Yes, nothing.

Cats might not know what’s wrong until you tell them. It is important to be positive about everything to help your cats feel happier and more welcome. Sure, you should, from time to time, express displeasure, but ensure it is few and far between. Cats are happy in happy spaces, so keep your space happy.

Always remember that cats can tune in to our feelings and be affected by them, just like humans. Remember this the next time your cat breaks a cup and eats up your shoes. Again, patience is key.

  • Teach Your Cat a New Trick Every Month

Teaching your cat some tricks might seem like a herculean task, especially for specific cats. However, the benefits far outweigh the demerits. Teaching your cat tricks at a young age can increase their socialization skills and mannerisms and help them act better in a myriad of situations. It is not enough to stop at basic obedience training but to go several steps further.

Training your pet cat exercises its brain and improves its cognitive abilities before it reaches its later years. Schedule daily training sessions with your cat and start with basic tricks like rolling over and high-fives.

Cats love to please people and would, naturally, do anything to attain this goal. Cats also love the ancient yet effective game of fetch, which makes the blood tumble along the veins when needed. Your cat will certainly enjoy learning these tricks, so give it a go.


Cats are adorable, furry pets, and we all love to play with them every now and then. You should look to give them the best possible care, love, and attention to ensure your bond strengthens as the days go by. Remember, a cat is man’s best friend. Keep the bond strong, and you have a loyal friend till the end.

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Cats as Co-Teachers: How Classroom Pets Enhance Learning Environments

While keeping pets in a classroom setting may seem like a mere trend, there has been an overwhelming body of research showing that having class pets, particularly cats, can positively influence the overall learning and social experience for students in various ways. From encouraging empathy to inspiring responsibility, the ways cats can influence the classroom environment should be reason enough for schools around the world to embrace them. This article will explore exactly how cats can shape learning environments for the better, thus explaining why more educators should embrace the trend of having classroom cats rather than resisting it.

Cats Foster Responsibility and Care in Students

The main benefit of having cats in the classroom is the fact that children get an opportunity to learn responsibility and feel empathetic towards other beings. Firstly, taking care of a living entity requires feeding and grooming, which results in the student having a sense of duty and responsibility. Furthermore, some students may hire ThePensters for custom essay writing so that they can dedicate more time to looking after their cats. By taking part in cat care, the children get to build empathy which is very important for them in forming good relationships.

Cants Encourage Relaxation and Stress Reduction

The cats’ gentle presence helps create a calm and conducive learning environment. Students can be overwhelmed by new situations and high-stakes tests. Touching a cat will decrease stress-related hormones such as cortisol and increase oxytocin, often called the ‘love hormone.’ Its release fosters feelings of trust and bonding. This sense of comfort and companionship relieves stress and anxiety and, in turn, increases feelings of well-being and academic performance.

Cats Stimulate Curiosity and Inquiry in Students

Cats are innately curious and their presence in the classroom will engage student curiosity and inquiry. By observing cat behaviors—predatory hunting, socializing, grooming, and communication—questions will naturally arise and follow inquiries upstream across the curriculum. Teachers can capitalize on this curiosity to spur or support classroom lesson plans based upon observing living beings in the world—to stimulate an authentic interest in science and facilitate discovery learning.

Cats Facilitate Social and Emotional Development

Whether it’s something as simple as cuddling up and reading, or as complex as a study session, kids can build with cats the kind of emotional literacy that encourages them to connect with the people in their lives. A cat in the classroom can be the socio-emotional life jacket children need. Most children can be socially shy or introverted in new situations, and having a cat around creates a safe, nonjudgmental space of companionship.

When shyer students interact with cats, they tend to be more comfortable and confident. Just being in the same room as a cat can lower blood pressure and anxiety levels. Plus, when students care for a cat together, they’re forced to work together and collaborate by alternating check-ins, feeding, and playtime. These social interactions can help develop interpersonal skills such as communication, empathy, and cooperation, all of which are vital to academic success and future pursuits.

Cats Promote Health and Wellness

Besides the academic perks, the cats in the classroom also provide health benefits. It turns out that playing with a cat lowers blood pressure, reduces your risk for heart disease, and strengthens your immune system. Integrating physical activity, like playing with cats, into the school day is another way that schools can combat the battle for children’s sedentary lifestyles and ensure good health. By putting the welfare of both students and cats at the forefront, schools can ensure a healthy, holistic environment to thrive and embrace learning.

Cats Enhance Classroom Dynamics

In communities like classrooms, the presence of a cat within the social group can normalize the care of others—cats are a shared responsibility—building community and camaraderie as students work together and communicate to give a cat what it needs. Furthermore, cats serve as conversational fodder that can cross social barriers or function as a queer card, something different and interesting one can talk about that everyone can access to socialize and feel included. Through this process of building supportive relationships and developing a shared sense of belonging with others, cats contribute to the maintenance of a safe and healthy learning environment.

Cats Can Clearly Revolutionize Today’s Education

When teachers recognize how cats can enrich their curricula, classrooms, and communities, they can harness a diverse educational resource with boundless positive impacts on student development. After all, students need to be seen, heard, acknowledged, and connected to caregivers in ways that are meaningful for them. Cats also can make dorm life better. With student needs always evolving, recruiting cats as co-teachers can be a source of joy and opportunity for classroom development. Feline friends come with a host of advantages for learners of any age. Cats are a pet choice with powerful potential.

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Pet Parenthood: Navigating the Responsibilities and Joys of Raising a Dog

Deciding to take a furry friend home is a heartfelt decision full of immense responsibilities and joys. Before such a major plunge, prospective pet parents should assess the kind of lifestyle they have, the living environment, and the preparedness they have financially to make room for a dog. Research the breeds, understand what is needed, and most importantly, secure the commitment of giving lifetime care to your pet. Having a safe and pleasant home, setting up routines and consistency, in turn, promotes building a strong bond through patience and empathy for a harmonious relationship filled with love with your canine friend.

The decision to bring a dog into your home

Deciding to bring a dog into a home is a rather responsible task and needs thinking. Apart from the excitement, prospective pet parents are to assess their lifestyles, living, and financial conditions to be ready to provide loving and supportive environments. Also, peek at the breeds and their specific requirements and determine if you can satisfy them. That’s very important, especially when having a new dog at home; you will surely have a happy and fulfilling pet-parent relationship. Responsible pet ownership involves dedication, patience, and a lifelong commitment to your furry companion.

Setting up your home for a dog

Create a safe and comfortable living space for a new canine companion for his well-being and happiness. Prepare the house for a dog by puppy-proofing the space: this will involve elimination from harm and securing toxic things. Provide the dog with appropriate bedding and toys. This will help them know their feeding and sleeping areas, easing them up and helping with training, development, and routine. It will, most importantly, ensure a good relationship with your pet.

Daily care and training

The following are consistent daily care and positive training practices, which are the keys to sound pet ownership. With this feeding, exercise, grooming, and playtime routine, dogs have a sense of security and proper nurturing. Training sessions of basic commands, socialization, and reinforcing behaviors through the bond between pet and parent can prepare a well-behaved, happy canine companion. Reminder: these three ingredients, patience, constancy, and positive reinforcement, are the only effective way of slow baking the process of shaping your dog’s behavior and general well-being.

Building a strong bond with your dog

And finally, deep, lasting ties with your most loyal friend do not just develop; they are wonderful, rewarding journeys filled with time, patience, and genuine affection. Doing such things as walking, playing, or training together makes your connection stronger, enhancing the time spent together doing things that please your dog. Understanding your dog’s very individual personality, preferences, and communication signals opens the doors for a trusting, two-way relationship. Be patient, understanding, and respectful to strengthen the bond filled with love enjoyed by both parties.

Surely, the decision to have a dog at home cannot be made on a whim, definitely not without much careful consideration and commitment to giving love and stability. Prepare your living space with puppy-proofing, get into care and training routines, and devote time to forging a relationship with your new four-legged friend. Remember, being a responsible pet parent calls for patience, consistency, and real affection that is given from the heart but returned in multiples, eventually turning again into both your lives.

Now also talking about dogs…go Click on the links and pics in the article to see where it takes you.

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Savannah Cat Health: Common Issues and Preventative Care

Savannah cats, known for their exotic appearance and dynamic personalities, are a unique blend of wild and domestic feline traits. While they make fascinating pets, their healthcare needs are specific and require attentive management. This article delves into the common health issues faced by these extraordinary animals and outlines preventative measures to ensure they lead long, healthy lives.

Common Health Issues

Savannah cats can face several health issues, some of which are genetic, while others are environmentally influenced. Knowing these common problems may help owners take proactive steps to prevent them. Being a responsible pet parent is extremely important. However, it never hurts to take a break and relax a little. With a thorough analysis and familiarization with the zodiac casino independent review, playing online might be a pleasant way to spend time after taking good care of your beloved friend.

● PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy): A genetic condition leading to eventual blindness. Regular vet check-ups will help detect early signs.

● Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): A heart condition that is the most common form of heart disease in cats, including Savannahs. Screening for HCM should be part of a regular health check.

● FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis): While not specific to Savannahs, this viral disease is serious and can be fatal. Maintaining a clean environment and receiving regular vaccinations must reduce the risk.

● Dental Issues: Like all cats, Savannahs can suffer from dental problems, including periodontal disease. Good dental hygiene practices should prevent many of these issues.

● Nutritional Deficiencies: Due to their unique genetic makeup, Savannah cats may have specific dietary needs. A balanced diet, possibly supplemented with veterinary advice, is crucial.

Preventative Care Measures

Preventative care is key to managing the health of a Savannah cat. Here are several strategies to ensure your Savannah stays healthy:

● Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Annual or bi-annual visits to the vet can catch and prevent many health issues before they become serious.

● Proper Nutrition: A high-quality diet tailored to their specific needs is essential. Consult with a vet to ensure their dietary requirements are met.

● Vaccinations and Parasite Control: Keeping up with vaccinations and regular treatments for parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms is crucial for preventing common infectious diseases.

● Exercise and Enrichment: Savannahs are highly active and intelligent. Adequate physical and mental stimulation prevents stress and obesity-related health issues.

● Genetic Screening: For breed-specific issues like PRA and HCM, genetic screening can inform you of potential future health concerns.

Preventative care for Savannah cats goes beyond addressing physical wellness. It also encompasses creating a safe and stimulating environment that caters to their energetic and curious nature.

By being proactive in the health care of your Savannah cat, you can enjoy the vibrant personality and unique companionship they offer for many years. Ensuring their environment is enriched with opportunities for climbing, exploring, and interactive play will satisfy their instinctual needs and contribute to their physical and mental well-being.

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Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Mentally and Physically Stimulated

As cat owners, you probably find yourself marveling at the mysterious and independent nature of your feline companions. While cats may seem content with lounging around the house, it is important to remember that they require mental and physical stimulation for a happy and healthy life. To ensure your cat remains sharp, entertained, and physically fit, here are the top five ways to keep your feline friend engaged.

1. Puzzle Feeders

One simple way to keep your cat mentally stimulated is by introducing puzzle feeders into their daily routine. These ingenious devices require your cat to work for their food, which can make mealtime a thrilling challenge. Not only does this mimic their wild ancestors’ hunting and foraging behavior, but it also engages their problem-solving skills. In turn, this provides energetic cats with a satisfying mental workout. If your cat seems to have lost its appetite or isn’t as full of life as usual, visiting the vet is a good idea. Orting Animal Hospital has qualified vets who can help you figure out what’s wrong with your cat and guide you on how to help them feel right as rain again.

2. Interactive Playtime Beyond the Basic Toys

Cats are natural hunters, so interactive playtime can be a fantastic way to stimulate their physical and mental faculties. Instead of relying solely on static toys, engage your cat with interactive play sessions using toys like feather wands, laser pointers, or remote-controlled gadgets. Mimic the unpredictable movements of prey to trigger your cat’s hunting instincts. Interactive play can keep them on their toes and provide both mental and physical exercise. Remember to rotate toys regularly to prevent boredom and maintain the novelty of playtime.

3. Vertical Spaces to Climb and Explore

As a devoted cat owner, you know that felines love climbing and exploring their surroundings. Offering vertical spaces not only satisfies their innate desire to perch but also provides mental stimulation. Invest in cat trees, shelves, or window perches to create a vertical playground for your feline friend. These elevated spaces serve as vantage points for observing their territory and provide mental stimulation through environmental enrichment. In addition, climbing and jumping activities help keep your cat physically fit, preventing obesity while promoting a healthy lifestyle. A higher platform that can couple as a bed also offers them a space that is removed from the lower ground of the house, something that many cats are appreciative of.

4. Unleash Your Creativity with DIY Homemade Toys

Unleash your creativity and craft DIY toys for your cat using household items. The possibilities are endless, from crinkly paper balls to homemade puzzle feeders and cardboard box mazes. Not only do DIY toys provide mental stimulation, but they also save you money. Experiment with different textures, shapes, and sizes to discover what captivates your cat’s interest.

5. Nature-Inspired Enrichment

Bringing a touch of the outdoors into your cat's life can provide unparalleled mental and physical stimulation. Consider setting up a safe and secure outdoor enclosure, or try harness training your cat for supervised outdoor adventures.

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4 Hygiene Rules Every Pet Parent Should Follow

As a pet parent, you are responsible for the health and well-being of your furry companion. You need to feed it on time, take it for daily walks, groom it regularly, and ensure timely vet visits.

3 Essential Anti-Tick/Flea Details Every Cat Owner Should Know

For new pet owners, ‘how to take care of cats?’ is a likely question that is often Googled. Cats make for wonderful pets, and they have a reputation for knowing how to keep themselves clean. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can ignore the importance of grooming at home.

This is particularly important in the context of ticks and fleas. Once you have a serious infestation, it can be a nightmare to get rid of them. What’s more, there are several dangerous diseases that your cat can fall victim to if you let these parasites propagate on your feline.

Thankfully, tick-prevention measures are easy to start right away. With a little effort, you will be more than equipped to keep your pet clean and healthy.

In this article, we will look at some of the most important tick-prevention steps to keep in mind. Remember, you don’t have to be a certified cat groomer to keep your pet tick-free and clean!

So, without further delay, let’s jump right in.

Understand the Potential Sources

Ultimately, the best way to control flea infestations is to know where they come from. Sadly, pet owners are often clueless about such aspects and keep trying to treat the symptoms rather than the source. It can also be legitimately confusing in some cases as well.

For instance, the cat may live indoors and rarely go out, but they still have fleas and ticks. How does that happen? Usually, if you have a dog or even another cat that loves going out, they can bring ticks and fleas home.

Once fleas and ticks are on your cat and in your home, they will lay their eggs near the cat’s environment. This often includes their bedding, nearby carpets, rugs, and furniture. When they hatch, they make their way to your cat, and an infestation cycle begins.

When it comes to ticks, the fully fed, mature ones will even disperse throughout your home and find corners to lay eggs. Thus, it’s not just enough to check your cat; you also want to ensure that ticks haven’t started to propagate in your home.

Consider Anti-Tick Collars

Cats love their exploratory adventures, and a big part involves journeys through wildlife and leafy areas. Unfortunately, such trips often mean your cat is vulnerable to having ticks latch on to them.

We generally think of ticks as more of a dog problem, but they can very much affect cats as well. Moreover, since you don’t really know where your cat is running off to each day, it’s even more tricky.

Thankfully, there are a number of measures you can take to prevent tick and flea infestations. The Seresto collar for cats tends to be a popular option because it doesn’t require much work from your side.

According to PetCareRX, this type of tick collar can be effective for up to eight months, which is not bad at all. That said, while these cat collars are useful, it’s not a 100% guarantee that ticks and fleas will disappear.

In fact, no measure is 100% effective, which is why it’s a good idea to also examine your cat when they return home from their adventures. Run your fingers across their body and try to feel for small bumps.

While there are many types of ticks out there, they all tend to look pretty similar, being reddish in color and having a spider-like body. If you are pulling one out, ensure that you use proper tick tweezers, as you risk leaving the head in if you remove them improperly.

Medication Can Be Effective, But Be Aware of Side Effects

If, by chance, the situation has gotten really bad, your vet might recommend medication. There are a number of different ways they can be administered. The first option is a topical, ‘spot-on’ sort of treatment.

You dab a small amount onto the skin surface of your cat’s neck, and this should repel fleas. The active ingredient for such treatments tends to be either fipronil, imidacloprid, or selamectin.

Besides spot-on treatments, you can also opt for oral medications, which cause the active ingredients to circulate in the bloodstream. When the ticks and fleas draw blood, the medication either repels or outright kills them.

The main drawback of such medication is their potential side effects. Your cat might face minor issues like skin irritation and fur loss, but it can also get worse. It isn’t unheard of for there to be neurological symptoms in the form of seizures and tremors. Some cats also start to drool excessively, which can be scary to witness.

The general consensus is that these medications are safe, but quick searches will show you a lot of concerning anecdotal reports by pet owners. Even the FDA has cautioned pet owners to be aware of the side effects of drugs like Credelio, Nexgard, and Bravecto.

Thus, speak to your vet and see if medication can be kept as a sort of last resort. It is far safer to opt for a tick or flea collar and use it in combination with other preventive steps. If your cat is particularly weak, please be very careful and consider the risk of medication. Yes, it’s likely that your cat may not react at all, but there is still going to be a risk.

In conclusion, preventing a tick and flea infestation requires some effort from your side. More than blindly using random treatments, the most important factor is understanding how these infestations start and progress.

Too often, cat owners react lazily to the early signs. However, before they know it, they are faced with an impossible situation. Baths aren’t effective, and even if they manually remove as many ticks as possible, reinfestation seemingly occurs overnight.

As such, take the time to really assess what stage your cat is in. If there aren’t any fleas or ticks yet, remember that it’s not a guarantee that things will remain the same.

You need to actively take preventive measures because, once the first few latch on, the infestation cycle begins quickly.

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Is It Possible To Train Your Cat?

Living with pets is beneficial for humans, and this has long been confirmed by scientific facts. Coexistence with animals necessarily improves our lives with bright colors, saturates, and prolongs it. Interacting with pets has a particularly beneficial effect on kids. Children living in households with animals experience significantly less stress, anxiety, as well as social problems. Such communication reduces the risk of developing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders in adulthood.

Understanding this benefit, more and more people are adopting pets, and children dream of becoming veterinarians and helping our four-legged friends. If you also love animals, then you might like animal science jobs on Jooble. After all, working with these wonderful creatures isn't only about treating them.

Today, the most popular choices are cats and dogs. If everything is clear with dog training, it is worth clarifying the situation with cats. And today, we will try to do this.

Can Cats Be Trained?

Cats are unique and independent creatures that can evoke many emotions in us. Unlike dogs, cats are not traditional candidates for training, and many people believe that cats can't be taught commands and tricks. However, they can!

It is crucial to understand that cats don't have the same degree of sociality and submissiveness as dogs, and therefore training a cat may require more patience and careful approach. However, with the right approach and motivation, cats can learn many commands such as walking on a leash, coming when called, playing games, and much more. It is significant to remember that cats have their characters, and what works for one cat may not work for another. Therefore, it is critical to be patient and persistent in order to achieve success in training your cat.

Where To Start Training?

Training a cat is a process that requires preparation! Before you start, buy some treats. At first, you won't need something else to teach it simple commands. Training should begin at the age of 6-8 months. At this age, cats are already able to understand what is wanted or required of them to do in order to receive a reward.

Having identified your cat's interests, start to develop them with the help of constant rewards, which, in the first stage, will definitely be treats and strokes. Later, you can’t give a treat every time, but you should definitely praise your pet — cats love it. Praise can motivate them to follow commands again and again. You should immediately abandon tricks that don't correspond to the desires and behavior of your pet.

In addition, pets sense the mood and emotional state of people. If you are in a bad mood, your cat won't trust you or will be afraid. You can’t scream or scold your cat if something doesn’t work out — it will get scared, run away, and stop trusting you.

Top Tips For Training A Cat

Here are some useful tips on how to make cat training effective.

  • The ideal time for training is the afternoon or evening, about 3 hours after eating. After all, a hungry pet won't work, and a well-fed one will definitely want to take a nap.

  • Wayward cats won't like long, monotonous training, so the optimal duration is about 10 minutes.

  • If your pet is bored with an activity or is tired, don't force the animal, don't show your strength. This behavior strategy won't yield results.

  • In order for a cat to learn to follow commands automatically, it takes a lot of repetition and practice. Don't forget that every cat is unique, and each may have a different pace of learning.

  • Using a clicker, you can teach your cat to follow it like a target.

  • Keep calm, and don't demand too much from your cat. If it can't follow a command, just repeat it over and over again until it understands.


Answering the main question of our article, we can safely assure that cats are trainable. And training should be based on positive methods and rewards. Your cat is your friend and partner, and training will help strengthen your bond.

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