Protecting Your Savannah Cat With Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance is really about being prepared for when your Savannah cat needs to see a vet. Pet owners want to make sure they have the best resources and care available and pet insurance can make that reality.

New research from shows exactly what types of pet insurance is the best and provides helpful information on figuring out what pet insurance company is best for you and your Savannah pet. 

Whether it’s a couple of stitches for an injured paw or potentially life-threatening conditions, pet insurance provides cat owners with the peace of mind knowing that they can provide for their cat in a time of need. It’s true that pet insurance may cost you $38-70 per month, but it covers a significant portion of vet bills that can cost up to $5-$10k! Most of us can agree that we can find ways to cut back on monthly expenditures to ensure that we have the means to provide for our sick cats in times of need.

How to Choose your Pet Insurance Plan? 

It's not fun going through insurance plan options trying picking the right plan for you. Understanding what factors to consider when choosing your insurance coverage is an important piece to making sure your Savannah cat has the right resources to live a healthy life (and that you’re getting what you pay for!).

Coverage Amounts

The amount of coverage is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting pet insurance. Savannah owners require a plan that has extensive coverage with few exclusions. As responsible pet owners themselves, the team at did the research to make sure pet owners are as ready as they can be for the unexpected. 

Typically, there are three types of coverage: comprehensive (covers accident/illness), accidents only (covers only accidents), and wellness coverage (covers preventative care). The most common choice amongst pet owners is the comprehensive package for its affordability and extensiveness in terms of coverage. 

Benefit Limits

Beyond the coverage types, the research team at suggests that the second most important factor to consider would be the benefit limits. Some plans will provide unlimited lifetime benefits, others will be capped on an annual/lifetime amount, and several are on a per-condition basis. Veterinary costs are historically trending higher, so a plan without an annual cap is the way to go these days. 

Deductibles and Reimbursements

The last things to consider are deductibles and reimbursements. This plays a key part in your monthly rate. Higher deductibles would translate into lower payments per month. The types of deductibles pet insurance can offer you are the annual, per-condition lifetime, and per-condition annual deductibles. 

There are also three main types of reimbursements a pet insurance company may offer you. Actual Cost means your insurance will pay you back a percentage of your Savannah’s medical bill after you have paid off your deductible. Plans that offer actual cost will give you several different percentage options to choose from. Benefit Schedules states when your pet insurance coverage will be paid back depending on the illness/procedure. Lastly, there is also the Usual and Customary, which has become less popular over the years. This reimbursement is dependant on the procedure but also considers your geographic location. 

Picking a pet insurance coverage for your Savannah is a very important decision that can save you thousands of dollars and protect your pet. Make sure you do the proper research to find what is best for you.

This site did your job and listed the best cat insurance companies right here

Click on the pictures or the hyperlink to learn more.

Until our next cat convo


Trimming Your Cats Nails

Cleo showing how to get her nails trimmed.

Nail Trimming Tips

Let’s talk about those claws. Cats are well equipped beings with very sharp claws. The use them for a number of things like climbing, marking their territory, and self-defense. Because their claws become dull after several times of use, it is necessary for them to get regularly sharpened. Since this is a natural instinct, cats will find what they can to polish up their lethal weapons, whether it’s on their designated scratch post or your lovely leather sofa. 

In order to save yourself from those dreadful cat scratches and your favorite drapes from the nauseating rips and snags, it is important to know how to properly trim your cat’s nails. 

Identifying the Quick on a Cats Nail

Anatomy of the Claw

Cat’s nails naturally retract when they are resting, making it a bit difficult to see their nail. You can gently apply pressure at the bottom of the toe to expose the nail. 

At the base of the nail is a more pink or light red area. This is the quick, make sure you can identify the quick before cutting as this area contains blood vessels as well as nerves. If you happen to cut into the quick on accident it will bleed and be painful for the cat. Make sure you have a clotting agent such as styptic powder to clot the nail, then take a break.

Most domestic cats have five claws on both front paws and 4 on each back paw adding up to 18. However, there are exceptions such as a polydactyl cat. Examine your cat’s paws thoroughly before sitting down for a nail trim. 

Proper technique of trimming a cats nail

Use Proper Tools and Techniques

There are designated trimmers for cats and some people prefer a Dremel drill. However, we like to use human nail trimmers as it is something that is already familiar with, and the cats don’t seem to be as startled when using them versus a drill. Hold the trimmers horizontal when cutting each nail. Cutting vertically seems to be an easier position to cut, however it can splinter the nail and cause what is almost like a hangnail to us. 

Getting a Feel for It

 The best time to start trimming nails in when your cat is a kitten. Kittens are more acceptable to new things and will allow you to mess with their feet more. Touch their feet several times during the day and practice retracting their claws so you and your kitten get more comfortable with it. 

Applying pressure to retract a cat claw.

Of course, not everyone will adopt their cats as kittens. In this case, the best time try for a nail trim is when they are worn out and sleepy. Possibly after a meal or a long play session. Find a dim, quiet room with no distractions. Lay them on your lap and gently massage their paws. This will relax them as well as allowing them to become more familiar with you handling their feet.  

Reward Them for Good Behavior

Cats respond very well to positive reinforcement. When attempting to trim their nails it’s always a good idea to have treats on hand. When they allow you to retract their paws, give them a treat. Try one nail at a time, rewarding them after each complete paw. If they start to get squirmy take a break and try again later or another day.  

Cleo Knows Its Time for Her Mani Pedi

Work as a Team

 Sometimes it’s not always easy to get the nails trimmed by yourself so you might have a friend accompany you. When doing this you are more apt to make the cat nervous since there are more of you than him. Make small movements and use a soft voice which will help calm him down. Take breaks if necessary as you want to keep this a pleasant experience for you cat.  

Practice Makes Perfect

Remember, you and your cat are not going to be perfect the first time. Allow you both some time and practice, be patient and reward good behavior. Take breaks when necessary and never be aggressive or angry with your cat if they do not stay still. Let them have some space and try again another day. You will be pro’s before you know it!

Until Our Next  Cat Convo

- Amanda

Sleepy Kitty

Our cats and their napping habits.

As a mommy to several kitties I am always catching them in the most unusual slumber. Some of them in the obvious places like; in the warmth of the sun, on the fluffy sofa, in their cozy bed, in our cozy bed, and my most favorite is in my lap.  But sometimes you look for them for twenty minutes but they are nowhere to be found because they have a secret bunker where they can slip into that deep sleep with no disruption.

Types of Sleep

Did you know that cats also go into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep just like humans? Most of the time when cats are sleeping they are not in that deep, fabulous, no care in the world sleep but more of that, I'm asleep but not really asleep because I can freakin' hear everything that is going on and no one will be quiet sleep. They stay in this state of sleep for around 15 - 20 minutes while momentarily falling into REM sleep for about 5 minutes at a time. If you ever notice your cat sleeping but slightly shift their radar's or taking a slight peek around this is when they are in the "Dozing" stage of sleep. If your kitty has their eyes tightly shut or using their personal fluffy sleep mask this is when they are in the "DO NOT BOTHER ME I AM ACTUALLY ASLEEP!" stage.

Why so long?

Cats can sleep anywhere from 15-20 hours a day depending on their age filling their fluffy fuel tanks. Cats release an obscene amount energy when hunting their prey, or in our instance, their secret stash of catnip so they need all the rest they can get. Kittens and older cats require more sleep than the average aged cat. Kittens sleep more because their precious little bodies are growing and older cats have had their time of prime and have decided life is much easier when you slow down.

Getting Adjusted

Most cats are dawn dwellers but being as adaptive as they are, they easily adjust to our hectic schedules. They enjoy their human time therefore making time in their day for us. But if you are having kitty soft paws in your face at 4:00 in the mother lovin' morning then try having some extra play time during the day especially before bed time. You may also give them a small snack before bed because they also like to go to bed on a full belly.  FUN FACT: We have a friend that as soon as he has eaten he is ready for bed before we even leave the table. We always tease him and tell him his eyelids are attached to his stomach. The more he eats, the fuller he gets and pulls his eyelids down, it’s pretty comical. But kitties do have a method to their madness when it comes to their sleeping habits.  Hunt, Eat, Clean, Sleep, Repeat!


If your fur child is sleeping more or less than usual you might want to consult with your veterinarian. There may be an underlying medical problem that needs addressed. Always take note of unusual habits your cats may have. If there is something different or concerning contact your breeder for advice or of course your veterinarian is always there to help. 

Whether in my lap or in their bed I always enjoy watching the cats sleep. You can actually distinguish when they slip in and out of that deep sleep. You can see their paws twitch and nose wiggle while in the land of catnip or their radars activate to be sure no danger is near.

We are always finding our kitties in the most peculiar places and positions. 

Tell us about some of your favorite sleepy kitty stories or share your photos with us on our social media sites!

Until Our Next Cat Convo 

- Amanda

Exercise your Pet

Keep that kitty movin'

As most of you Savannah lovers know the Savannah breed is very active, playful and somewhat destructive at times. Keeping your kitties engaged in playtime, walking, and dates with other furry friends can really reduce the possibility of bad behaviors. 

Discouraging Bad Cat Behaviors With Exercise & Training

Given this propensity for extra propulsion and playfulness, this could also be a gateway for more destructive behavior patterns if not trained properly and given plenty of exercise. Similar to toddlers and young children, parents will often attempt to “tire them out” as a pathway to a less naughty kid and the same is true for our four-legged friends.

A1 Savannah Kittens at Play

More Fun With Less Damage Done

Also given more activity, many cats tend to be less destructive with fewer bad behavioral habits. But some of this comes along with training that also discourages rough housing and other aggressive behaviors that could potentially put them at risk for injuring themselves, other animals, you, friends or family members.

A1 Savannahs Kittens at Play

When it comes to playtime and exercise routines, it’s important to remember how we interact with them is just as important as participating in the process itself. For example, encouraging them to attack hands and feet will send a message that this behavior is acceptable. This could cause an unsuspecting child, visiting friend or relative to be swatted, scratched or bitten when they may be simply trying to interact with your cat.

Put Them On A Leash, Capeesh?

Savannah cats are also very intelligent and many pet owners will often choose to train them to walk on a leash, which is actually much easier than you might think. You should first introduce them to the concept of wearing a harness since they’ll be much easier to control using this type of a device. It also greatly reduces the risk of them choking or slipping out of a collar while you’re out and about.

For some more information and suggestions about exercising with your pet, check out the infographic below. With more activity, playful exercise and given the proper training, you and your cat will be much happier and healthier in the long run! 

 What fun things does your cat do for exercise?

Until Our Next Cat Convo


A1 Savannahs Blog Post -PetExercise-Norwich

- We would like to give a special shout out to Jenn Johnson for helping us put together this weeks blog post!